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Online giving platforms provide churches and givers with a convenient way to give, and also enables churches to reach givers beyond the walls of the church. With this convenience comes new risks due to the personal data, bank account and payment card information collected and processed. Knowing what those risks are, and effectively mitigating against them, helps churches to maximise the benefits of online giving platforms in a safe and secure manner.
Decision making is part of daily operations in churches and charities. It is important that such decisions are made in the best interest of the church or charity. However, the integrity of decisions can easily be compromised if conflicts of interest are not identified and managed. Knowing how to identify and properly manage conflicts of interest helps assure the integrity of decision making.
Sound internal controls within operational activities help churches and charities to mitigate risks against the fulfilment of their mission. When internal controls fail, risks can occur and become hindrances. Knowing why internal controls fail and how to prevent internal control failure helps churches and charities to operate in the optimal environment for succeeding in their mission.
Culture can make or break! Culture determines how successfully a church administers its finances and assets, and engages people. It affects the type of people attracted to a church, how money is attracted and spent, how much people are willing to give of themselves to its mission, and the reputation of the church to the outside world. Developing a positive culture is therefore a necessity for every church, starting with these 6 steps.
Good governance in church administration enables a church to succeed in its mission. How a church is administered affects the level of trust it attracts, its reputation, and ability to succeed and embrace opportunities. This is determined by its governance. It is essential to understand what good governance is, why it is important in church administration, and areas to focus on to get it right.
Being able to look back on what happened when there is a need to investigate irregularities, errors, confirm compliance, or identify who did what, is an invaluable capability in any organisation. What makes this possible is Audit Trail. Implementing good audit trail enables churches and charities to track, trace and verify financial activities.
Income collection and expenditure transactions are a necessary part of all church operations.    How do you know that all the income is completely deposited in the bank, or that all outgoings from the bank are authorised and for valid church operations?   Carrying out regular bank reconciliations can help provide such assurance.   
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Prevent internal control failure

How to Prevent Internal Control Failure in Churches & Charities

Steps to Risk Management

6 Steps to Risk Management in Churches & Charities