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The place of cash as a means of giving to churches and charities cannot be eradicated despite other electronic and digital giving methods. However, cash is easily susceptible to theft and misappropriation and needs to be properly safeguarded to prevent financial loss. Implementing appropriate cash income controls help churches and charities protect and direct their cash income towards their intended objectives.
Churches and charities are increasingly contracting out non-core or specialist services to third parties that are best placed to provide such services, while they focus on their core mission. Getting the best value from contracted services takes effective contract management. Poorly managed contracts can be a minefield for fraud, error, conflicts of interest and sub-standard delivery. Understanding how to effectively manage contracts helps you realise the benefits and mitigate the risks.
Churches and charities are required to maintain high levels of accountability, operate effectively and efficiently, and comply with relevant laws and regulations. But how can the board and senior leadership be assured that they are indeed operating effectively and efficiently, and sufficiently mitigating their key risks? Carrying out internal audits can help provide such independent assurance, and also provide insight and advice that may not be available otherwise.
Churches and charities are not immune to the cost of living crisis. They face a two-fold challenge of navigating through the crisis while also responding to those who may be affected by the cost of living crisis. However, there are steps that churches and charities can take to navigate through the crisis so that they can stay afloat, operate efficiently and continue delivering their good causes.
With hacking attempts occurring every 39 seconds, churches and charities, like other organisations, are increasingly exposed to cyber-attacks that threaten to steal, damage or leak their data. The consequences can be quite damaging reputationally, financially and legally. Robust cyber security can protect churches and charities from being victims of cyber-attacks and help safeguard their data.
Churches and charities play a major role in the world economy, offering services to benefit humanity in a way that no other sector of society does. However they also exist in an interconnected world that is becoming more volatile, with unpredictable disruptive events. Having a viable business continuity plan helps your church or charity to navigate disruptions and continue to operate through, and recover from, adverse events or major disasters.
Churches and charities receive majority of their income through generous giving towards the good causes that they stand for. The financial and reputational consequences of income loss through negligence or missed opportunity can be significant. It could limit funding available for good causes and a decline in future giving caused by loss of trust. Knowing the ways to keep your church or charity from losing income helps to protect and maximise your income for the delivery of your core mission.
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Prevent internal control failure

How to Prevent Internal Control Failure in Churches & Charities

Steps to Risk Management

6 Steps to Risk Management in Churches & Charities